Monday, June 30, 2008

If I hear the word "like" just one more time...

What is it with the younger crowd and their incessant use of the word "like"? Can't these people speak at the level that exceeds that of a first grader?

For instance, they may say this:
"He was like, really upset."

OK, I'll bite! So what they're saying is that he wasn't really upset, but he was "like" upset. Of course they mean to say that he was upset... so then why not simply say "He was really upset".

Then they proceed to go on and on with the ol' "He was like....then I was like..., then he was like..., then they were like...".



Do these people even know they're doing it? I know some people will be in the habit of saying "um", as a filler in their sentences, and not even realize it. However, I can't help but to think that people that use the word "like" are doing it on purpose.

But why?

Just stop it! Because, like, if you don't stop using that word, then I'm like, going to go crazy. And then I'm like, less able to listen to you, because you like, sound like a three year old, and I'm like, enough already. Then I'm going to be like, shutting down and not able to like, ever converse with you due to your like, non-stop use of the work like.

See how stupid that all sounds? Any questions?



Anonymous said...

Every generation has their own slang and unless you point it out to someone that the word "like" bothers you, they might not even be aware they are saying it. So, if the word "like" does indeed bug you that much to blog about it, maybe you should point it out to the person to like stop talking like that.....

Jeff Szlauko said...

Well yes, that's true... every generation has had its slang terms. And yes, I should perhaps simply say something to the people that speak like that. If I was forced to spend enough time with such a person, I probably would say something. The thing is, I am exposed to it at times as more a background noise, and I then get to feeling that it's just slowly grinding on me. Then I get to thinking why such an annoying way of conversing with others ever came about.

Someone should do a comedy skit on this some day, and perhaps have famous presedential speeches delivered in this fashion.

I can just see it now:
"We choose to like go to the moon. We choose to like go to the moon in this decade and like do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are like hard..."

Or how about:
"Like, the only thing we have to like fear is fear itself"

OK, I'll like stop now. :)

Chopper ride

Chopper ride
Nice wooded area heading out of Booneville towards the coast.