In the wake of the terrible tragedy in Newtown, I've seen various political figures announcing that more laws and regulations are required, one being that firearms must be properly stored.
Gee, really?
Are you fucking kidding me?
The mother of the maniac who went on the shooting rampage was stupid beyond belief, as she KNEW her child was a bit "off base", suffering from Aspergers disorder, and yet kept a fortress of firearms out in the open for anybody to take. It's a shame that her stupidity was the result in not only her own death, but 26 others.
Getting back to the proposed new gun laws, do these people really think that a law is going to automatically fix everything? I can see these numb-nuts now, thinking "Hey, we got to make sure that people secure their guns in order to prevent any further shootings, so... I have an idea... let's make it a law that you have to lock up your guns. Yeah, that'll fix it!"
So, let me get this straight...
You have an INCREDIBLY stupid person who does not even have the common sense to lock up her own guns EVEN THOUGH THERE'S AN OFF BALANCE KID IN THE HOUSE, yet we expect this same dumbass person to follow a law?!??!??!?
Sorry people, but you just can't fix stupid.
But of course these political morons have tons of data to support their thinking, right? I mean, geeze, we have laws against a slew of illegal drugs, like LSD, Crack, Meth, etc,... and nobody EVER ends up possessing an illegal drug, right? Oh... they do. Oh damn.
There are laws against speeding, and drinking and driving, and therefore nobody ever does those things, right? I mean, there are laws, and everybody obeys them, right? Oops, wrong again.
So yeah, let's pass a law that says every gun owner has to properly secure their guns, and then everybody will magically do it, BECAUSE NOW IT'S A LAW!
Fucking idiots.
And how on earth can anybody decide that a law needs to be passed concerning something as common sense as securing your guns so your kids can't get them! Christ, what's next, passing a law that says we must all breathe? Yeah, I can see it now, as one day someone will be thinking "Man ol' man, good thing they passed that law about breathing, because for a second there I thought about not taking a breath!"
When is this country, or at least the political people out there, going to start using common sense? But then it's not really about common sense, is it. It's all about the politicians trying to win a popularity contest, and justify their existence.
No wonder I gave up voting.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
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Chopper ride
Nice wooded area heading out of Booneville towards the coast.
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