It just never ceases to amaze me when people get so upset about gay marriage. I mean, really? Personally, for all I care, a person can go marry a goat! I'm serious!!! Why? Because if a man were to marry a goat, it would have ZERO affect on me! If it has no effect on me, then why give a shit?
Yet we have all these people getting all bent out of shape because there are gay people out there who would like to have the right to get married. I guess a lot of the resistance comes from the Christians who think it is immoral. To that I've got two words... FUCK YOU!. If your're a Christian, and are abhorrently against same sex people gettng married, then you know what? Then don't marry someone of the same sex!
However, just because YOU don't think it is right, does not make it wrong for anybody else! I think it's wrong that these extremist Christians have their heads so far up their ass that they can't even think straight, BUT, I am not going to do anything to make it illegal for these idiots to have their stuck up, outdated, and stupid ideas, as that is their right. Isn't that what America is really about? As was once said, "I may not like what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it".
So, if two adults, who happen to be gay, want to get married, THEN LET THEM! BIG FUCKING DEAL!!! Of course the Christians get their panties all bunched up over this because they believe it goes against God's will. SO WHAT? It's YOUR belief, NOT everyone elses, so leave everyone else the fuck alone! Just because you believe that the bible says something does not automatically make it right!
If you are going to say that whatever the bible says is true, then stick to it. I guess anyone who ever worked on Sunday should then be put to death (Exodus 31:15). So let me ask you this... what day do you want the mass executions to commence? Probably most people in America have worked on Sunday... shame on you... off to the execution you go! Hey, I didn't right this shit, but there it is in the bible, so off you go!
Oh, and by the way, are you going to be selling your daughter into slavery? Says that too in the bible, Exodus 21:7-11. I guess we could setup a special section in eBay for this. I mean, what the heck, might as use our advanced technology to help spread God's will, right? Not sure what a fair price would be though. Perhaps we can rely on the ol' supply and demand scheme.
So, bottom line is this... if you want to cling to the bible for some sort of eternal bliss, or meaning of life, then fine! By all means, do that. If that's what it takes for you to feel fulfilled, then go for it. However, KEEP YOUR STUPID BELEIFS OUT OF OTHER PEOPLES BUSINESS!!! You have NO right enforcing YOUR beliefs on others... PERIOD!!!
By the way, this whole rant came to be after reading about Jane Pitt's letter against gay marriage. So, if you want to see idiocy at its finest, just Google that.
Friday, July 6, 2012
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Chopper ride
Nice wooded area heading out of Booneville towards the coast.
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