Recently on a site I visit regularly there was a thread going on about a person who was in an accident, and was basically on the verge of not making it. Thankfully, he pulled through, and appears to be on the road to recovery. However, when I read through the thread and saw things said by many people, I could not help but to think "WTF!!!!!". The things said that got me going were:
"The Lord at work through the power of prayer"
"God is GREAT and the power of prayer does work"
"There is MUCH POWER in Prayer"
"we have an awesome God to thank"
You have GOT to be kidding me!!!
I mean, really, "power of prayer"????
Gee, you know what? Maybe if god was so great, and influential on us, then perhaps the accident that caused all these grave injuries would not have occurred in the first place!
Oh, but I suppose these people would say "Well, nobody was praying before the accident, so obviously god would have nothing to do with it".
Hate to burst your bubble, but god (assuming there is one), has NOTHING to do with what happens to us on earth!
How can ANYONE believe that prayer works, and going beyond that, go to the extent to say "power of prayer"?
Where's the power of prayer when a child goes missing, and hoards of people pray for a safe return, yet the child turns up dead, and brutilzed by some monster of a guy? Or when countless people will pray for the recovery of a person in the hospital, and they die anyways?
Of course when this occurs, the delusional people will say something like "Oh, the lord works in mysterious ways, and I guess he wanted that person so badly, so he took them."
REALLY? And the only way for god to take a poor innocent child off this earth was to have them kidnapped, brutalized and then killed by a monster? What the hell kind of sadistic god is that?
Gee, I don't know, but if god wanted to take a child, wouldn't having them pass away peacefully in their sleep be much better?
People, give it up already! There is NO power of prayer!!!
Now if praying somehow soothes you, and brings you comfort and peace, then by all means keep it up. In this sense, praying to some would be like meditation to others. But when you make the insane statement that prayer is powerful, and helps with the recovery of a person as god answers the prayer, then you are fooling yourself.
People pray all the time for things, and it really gets me when THE ONE TIME something they pray for finally occurs, they run around saying "See! I KNEW prayer works!". Yeah, right! It would be like me praying for rain every day, and FINALLY the day arrives when it DOES rain, and then I say "See! My praying worked!".
Yeah, no shit Sherlock! Of course BY CHANCE, it WILL rain SOME DAY! Just like, BY CHANCE, a person will pull through a difficult time, and heal.
In my view, praying is nothing more than a nice gesture. I mean, if I was gravely ill, and someone told me that they would be praying for me, I would simply say "Thanks". Why? Because it's a nice gesture, and why on earth would I choose to be upset over something that is being put out to me in a loving way. Of course, in my heart, I would know that the prayer is totally useless, but I would also know that the person who feels differently than I about it is at least being supportive.
So for all the people who prayed for the person after his tragic accident, I'm thinking: "How great that there were so many supportive people with kind hearts to be hoping for a good recovery! We need more caring people like these!"
But "power of prayer"? Nope, sorry, aint buying it.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
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Chopper ride
Nice wooded area heading out of Booneville towards the coast.