It never ceases to amaze me the crap some people will adhere to. Case in point is all this talk of the 9/11 attacks being a planned government job instead of a true terrorist attack. Give me a break!!!
There was a show on recently that discussed these crackpots, and on it were one of the people responsible for the film "Loose Change" which "documents" the 9/11 conspiracy. Just gotta love it when the guy says "Oh yes, many people saw a commercial airline flying towards the Pentagon at a very low altitude and fast speed, but nobody really knows what flew into the Pentagon.".
Gee, I have an idea, perhaps what flew into the Pentagon WAS THE COMMERCIAL PLANE PEOPLE SAW FLYING TOWARDS IT!!!
There's no point in me rehashing all of the fictional content of Loose Change, and all of the bogus "science". For instance, one thing they will point out is that as the building collapsed, you can see what appears to be small explosions blowing out of the side windows. They then go on to say how this must be from the explosives that were planted there in order to bring down the building. Uh, yeah, OK. Gee, don't you think that a collapsing building, especially of that magnitude, would be forcing out A LOT of air as it crushed the floors? And just where is that air going to go? Oh, gee, maybe it will find the path of least resistance AND GO OUT THROUGH THE WINDOWS! DUH!!!
Oh, but gee, I'm sorry, I'm using logic there, just as so many scientists, engineers and experts have done in the past in explaining the tower collapse.
It's actually good to see people questioning the government, and looking at all the possibilities. I also have to say that the film Loose Change appears to be a very well made film, especially when you consider that it was made by a high school student. Good work indeed. However, it is pure fiction the way it presents the "evidence". A well made film, but none-the-less gets people to view the incident in the wrong light. It's like the JFK film by Oliver Stone. It's very well made, and pulls you into the plot and keeps you entertained, but many of its content is pure fiction! There is no magic bullet, even though the film will lead you to believe otherwise. Pulling off 3 shots in the allotted time is VERY doable, and Oswald was indeed an expert marksmen, yet he is not shown that way in the film. A good film, but many liberties were taken with the facts. Just as Loose Change, many of the facts are twisted and false conclusions are drawn just to show the audience a slanted conspiracy viewpoint.
Now, let's just say for the sake of argument that our government wanted to create a false terrorist attack in order to get us into a war with Iraq. Would they have needed to create an attack as devastating as the 9/11 attack? Couldn't they have simply planted a few bombs under a bridge someplace, blown it up, then yelled, "Oh my god, look at what those terrorists have done. Now we just have to go in after them."
But no, instead they choose to not only take down ONE of the twin towers, but BOTH of them, and using 2 commercial airliners to boot. And as if that wasn't enough, they then launch an airliner into their own building, the Pentagon! Oh wait, there's more. That's apparently not enough, so they also had plans to send yet another plane into the capitol. That one missed it's mark though due to the brave people aboard it.
Oh yeah, right, this makes complete sense. Again... SHEESH!!!!!!!
Sometimes things really are as they seem, especially when it is so painfully obvious. In this case, planes crashed into the twin towers, causing intense heat due to the jet fuel, enough to weaken the steel and bring the buildings down. The resulting collapse of the twin towers damaged building 7, and even though it was not hit by any planes, sustained enough damage to also collapse. Then a plane flew into the Pentagon, and another into a Pennsylvania field due to the actions of the people on board.
That's it!
If only these conspiracy people would spend even one tenth as much energy that they spend on this conspiracy crap and put it into something useful. Perhaps looking into how another terrorist attack can be thwarted, or in finding Bin Laden.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
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Chopper ride
Nice wooded area heading out of Booneville towards the coast.